A Wish ~ Your Unfulfilled Reality!


A wish is an, as yet, unfulfilled reality just lying in wait foryourright moment to make it happen.” ~ Plh

There are those who believe in fate and there are those who believe nothing will happen unless you’re out there making it happen.

For myself, I think it’s somewhere in between the two. Wishing and dreaming often set inΒ  motion the creative application of your imagination. This, in turn, can inspire within you a passion to achieve – the inspiration you’ve been waiting for to make things happen.

The only thing left then, is for you to believe you can do it. And of course you can!!!! For certain. Your wishes, your desires, your reality – YOURS!

Hope your week is going well, take care of you.
With much affection,
~ Penny

13 thoughts on “A Wish ~ Your Unfulfilled Reality!

  1. AnElephantCant believe in fate
    Although the possibility might make his old face beam
    When he goes out to do it
    He somehow falls through it
    But he remembers Penny is a beautiful dream

  2. Lol…This reminds me of one of the tormented characters in “Dawn at Last”. He is smitten, and so sure that the lady in question is part of his destiny. Then he becomes totally perplexed as he catches himself “trying to plan his destiny”!!!

    • Well I dont think you can plan your destiny, but you sure as heck can fill your mind up with those endless thoughts and futile actions. Best to wish for a reality that works for both parties (as much as possible, anyway.) πŸ™‚

Thank you for your thoughts!