The Choices in your life – you decide!

How do you view your life? Do you think you’re lucky? Have you chosen your life to be filled with rich multicolored hues of living (bubbles of pleasure) or is your life colorless because you’ve forgotten, regardless of what happens – your reactions (what you do about it) – are still your choice?

bubbles of happiness

How glorious is your day?

I know a true story of a monk who grew up in South Vietnam. During the military conflict of the last century, his community was bombarded with bombs and his entire family was killed, He lost an arm. He moved to a nearby “protected” area and was soon loving and teaching the orphaned children from the ongoing war. One day, he watched a bomb (accidently) drop on the orphanage and the children were lost as well.

Finally he was advised to seek refuge in another country as the area he was living in was soon to be overrun with hostile warfare. He made it to France.

Some years later, in a small sheltered community, an individual who knew his story noticed his happy gentle attitude on life and asked him, “How can you be this way after what has been done to you? First you lost all the members of your family and your arm and then the children you were caring for, and finally your home. What can there possibly be for you to look forward to?



The monk smiled pointing with his remaining hand to the ground and said,

“I have the rich earth that my feet can embrace when I walk or run.” He looked up at the sky and said, “I have the blue sky of a sunny day to look forward to during rainy, overcast stormy weather.”

He motioned to the countryside around him, “I have the beauty of nature to look upon during the changes of seasons.”




His smile grew larger as he added, “I have the joy in my heart when I hear another laugh with pleasure.” And he reached out and took the hands of the questioning stranger and responded,

“And I have you and all others around me to love and be loved. I have so much to look forward to. I am very lucky. Each day of my life is rich, full and glorious!”


empty bubbles

And so I ask you once again, how glorious is your day?


“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it! And so it is with all of us …” AUTHOR UNKNOWN


Have a great day today and a better tomorrow!

~ Penny

penny l howe


28 thoughts on “The Choices in your life – you decide!

  1. MY day is rich with joy , glory, mercy and love. Life is abundantly rich everyday I open my eyes!! I wish this wonderful full heart of glory for you to Penny (I know you have it) but wish you to have it all the days of your life because you give so much to the rest of us!!

Thank you for your thoughts!