Two Words A Writer Never Uses!

I Can’t!

How many of us have said or heard the words “I Can’t”. All of us, and everyone is my guess.

 When you say “I Can’t” do you know you’ve just sent a very real chemically relayed message to your brain that tells you to go to your memory storage vaults and back up the “I Can’t” statement with “proof”.

We are giving instructions to the brain. Your memory will reinforce the “I can’t” for you. It is happy to oblige, because it wants you to feel good about your choices, that’s the ‘ol self-survival thingy kicking in! Is this true? Yes!

Everytime you say “I can’t” it’s harder to say you can! Our mind is wonderfully inventive when it comes to all the reasons (rationalizations) as to why we can’t do something. But it just doesn’t hold water, if it did, we would not have survived as a human race.

Now as far as rationalizations go, the biggy today is Time. It is a valid reason for not having the time to do a thing during your days activities – but it is not your enemy.

Time is precious and for many of us it does seem to run out quicker than we’d like it to. But the truth is if you really want something bad enough you are going to figure out a way to get it, aren’t you?

So if time isn’t the problem, but you still can’t seem to get those creative words to come out, relax let go a little bit.

Or maybe you’re at a different place and the words are done but you don’t know what to do next – or it seems so hard to do the next step (like it’s so much more to be done); this final step to realizing your dream coming true.

I recommend the following: Follow you heart, follow your dreams. Discipline is important. Understanding that effort  + action will achieve results. Also research is important, spend a little time researching the “what & how” to do something . Put passion into this as well. Just don’t use the words “I Can’t”, because it isn’t true, you know … You Can!

I’ll leave you with (hopefully a little inspiration! It’s just a little seed of an idea. Some thoughts I would share with you.

Most mighty things – begin very small. Many great achievements were made with very slow and hesitant steps towards a goal. Success happened because those who achieved never stopped. And if they misstepped they still kept going, Perhaps they’d regroup or pause and start over, but they never stopped.


Don’t speak to me about cannots

Don’t try to stomp on my dreams,

I am who I am, and I feel what I feel,

And my words are all there in my Reams.


The Reams of my paper seem endless

My words upon words upon words,

But I’m true to myself and I’ll say what I say,

And do all that “I Can” to be heard.


I’ll never give up or stop trying,

Holding fast so that nothing can ban.

My dream is to write and so I shall write,

I will write for I know that – “I Can”!


 Hold fast to your dreams, never let go, never stop.

Thank you for stopping by,

~ Penny


25 thoughts on “Two Words A Writer Never Uses!

  1. Oh, how I can relate, Penny! 🙂 But, this is the year for doing because I’m finally publishing my first book of poetry. That’s the project; not sure if I told you. Anyway, I’ll be returning back to college in January, but wanted to get the book done first. Anyway, loved your poem, too! Hugs!

    • I am thrilled to hear about you publishing a book, Lauren. I love your poetry, sincerely. You are so gifted with your words. I want one for certain! Also that you’re going back to college, just excellent! Huge hugs! 🙂 xx

  2. Not new, but so true, and I seem to need the reminder again and again. I particularly appreciated the truism about time not really being a factor…because if we want something badly enough we can always carve out the time and space to make it happen. Thanks for the inspiration Penny:-)

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