Because – That’s Why!

Credit line: © Aroas |

Rhyme and Reason

“If there truly is a reason we (humans) exist. We define
it through our creative expressions of understanding.”
~ Penny L Howe, 2013


I know there’s a reason in life and I know there is also a rhyme. So we think and we feel. Two types of things. Thoughts and feelings.

Thoughts for when we think on things, organizing what we’ve learned into pieces of understanding. Feelings for when we contemplate our thoughts expressing and emoting about them. In humans the two are closely entwined. Hard to have a thought without a corresponding emotion connected to it (although I must say, sometimes it does feel as if one can have a very strong emotion with very little reasoning thought being involved, lol).

Summing things up – the rhythms from our heart (emotions) and the thought processes from our mind create the symphony of our life experiences. How we orchestrate them defines who and how we are.

Therefore, we are all artists – creatively speaking, poetically endowed to convert our reasoning mind into beautiful expressive renderings (any art form) from the soul. So how cool is that?

Infinitely! – at least from the view of my eyes.

Have a great weekend everyone! Feel good about who and how you uniquely are. It’s what others “love” about you! Please share yourself – a joyous thing to do!

~ Penny

20 thoughts on “Because – That’s Why!

  1. As poets, feelings are hunted out and pulled to the fore
    As artists, feelings are found and placed onto canvas
    As storytellers, feelings are given other names for all to see
    As photographers, feelings of nature and life are there and shown to the world.

    And then you have the philosophers. The ones who tell us the Why About This and the Why About Life, and they show us that we each have our own feelings and show us how to tap into them.

    Sometimes we just need to be shown that we can tap into our own feelings. Thank you for another excellent post, Penny.

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