Addressing the STRESS of Distress!


Here it is – the key to all of your problems. Pick it up and use it. Address that which is distressing you so intensely that your stress levels are skyrocketing! Look directly at what appears to be so overwhelming to you and confront it!

Your stress levels will not be reduced until you focus on and handle what you currently find so emotionally difficult to tackle! And you can do it!

It is not impossible! Hard, yes! Sometimes painfully so, but still doable and definitely necessary, if you want to improve the current conditions in your life. It begins with attitude – specifically speaking – yours!

Perspective plays a role in controlling emotions. The more negative and fearful your emotions, the less control you will have making positive and constructive decisions. In turn, this leads to higher stress levels. I speak an absolute truth here.

“I just can’t do it,” you say. And I say you can.  Put your mind to it! Take back your life! Your life should never evolve around emotions that are out of control.

Take charge of you. Make it happen!

Negative emotions are your enemy they sneak in and convince you of everything that’s wrong. So it’s up to you to find some positive emotions. They’re right there, inside of you too! Some really good stuff just waiting to come out and shore up the weak emotional parts of your mind.

Never forget – your emotions are yours to control, not the other way around.


So now’s the time. Go make things happen in your life. It’s the key to making positive things happen and You Can Do It! Address the Stress. You’ll feel lots better for the doing!

Have a less stressful week ahead – much love to you all!

~ Penny

32 thoughts on “Addressing the STRESS of Distress!

  1. Pingback: The Secret of Getting in The Zone | Productivity Blog

    • Hello Valentine, a little tardy with my response, I’ve been offline quite a bit recently, thank you very much. I don’t know about wise but definitely a little bit of experience on my side! I am glad it is of some positive value to you! xx

  2. Hi Penny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <—- Can you see how excited I am to see you here?
    Thanks for the key! I love how you provide the main ingredient to the topic at hand. So nice of you!
    xo 🙂 🙂 xo

    • Hey RoSy, I’m excited (and happy) to see you here, I’ve been so very negligent when it comes to visiting my friends (much less my neighbor). And all my keys are yours for the asking! Hope your week started out well for you! 🙂 xo

  3. Thank you so much Penny, as if you were just talking to me. I will really have a go and have a stress less week this week. I shall read this every morning to help me get going “easy”. Love you Penny, my strength!

    • Hello dearest friend. I was! We (so many of us) just get carried away with the busy-ness of our daily activities and reminders can be helpful! Much love to you Ute, Hope your week started out well for you! xx

  4. Hello There Penny;

    Yes I agree with you as regard to perspective and I find good advice in these tips leading “to and handle what we find emotionally difficult to tackle”…

    It plays a main role in controlling emotions. Certainly it does!

    Shout-out to: “Take charge of you. Make it happen!”.
    Let the sunshine in, let´s surround ourselves with positive thoughts & constructive decisions.

    As ever, wise words Penny. Happy sunday & sending love to You;

    Aquileana 😉

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