Collecting Smiles!

From The Why About This Archives, one of my all time favorite posts. I decided to share it again with you. I hope you enjoy and start collecting smiles yourself. Such a feel good thing to do:

Emma’s Perfect “Mona Lisa” Smile!

“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

I collected 47 smiles today. It wasn’t my intention. Smiles weren’t even on my mind. I wonder why that is? Of all the things we can do and give freely, a smile must take center stage – don’t you think? A smile always brightens the day.

It all started while I was sitting on a park bench this afternoon viewing the river; actually I had been looking up at clouds. They were particularly lovely today. A young girl maybe 6 years old was passing me on a nearby pathway, along with other people.

As it was such a beautiful day, there were many there enjoying the park. This little girl ran almost all the way by me when she turned her head and flashed me a radiant smile. “Hi” she said. Just the one word hi, with a smile. A big, sincere and radiant smile. “Well hi,” I replied, smiling back. My smile every bit as large as hers.

And then it started. The smile collecting. I noticed an elderly couple playing with their grandchildren, all with big smiles when they looked over at me. I smiled back.

A man came by walking his large black Labrador. I told him he had a lovely dog. He gave me a huge smile in return. I didn’t get a smile from the Lab but I did get a very friendly tail wag. And so it went.

Later on in the day while at the store waiting in line to check out I just couldn’t keep the smile off my face. My memory from the park had stayed with me. The line was long but I found myself smiling at the other people in a friendly “we’re all waiting here” kind of way and guess what? They all smiled back. One of them, an older gentleman, looked a little confused about why, but he smiled too!

And so it went throughout the remainder of the day. I kept collecting smiles. It was great. This evening as I sat reflecting, I decided today had not been much different than most days but somehow it just seemed friendlier, nicer, warmer. I found myself smiling from the day’s memories and collected another smile.

Have a great weekend, ideally one filled with smiles, yours and those you interact with … an excellent thing to do, I think!

All my love,

~ Penny

24 thoughts on “Collecting Smiles!

  1. Giving out smiles is one of my favourite hobbies too but I have never collected the ones that I get in return. That was some tally that you collected, wonderful and the more I read the more I smiled tool I’m sure you can at least double that number when you count the smiles of your readers. 😊

  2. Oh, yes, and just like the first time I read it, my instant reaction was a bundle of smiles aimed at you!!!! Here they are: 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 accompanied by hugs and lots of those too: xxxxxxxxxxx / with love.
    Happy Sunday, my dear Penny! 🙂

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