Welcome 2018, A Look Ahead For We “Creatives”

Winter by Plh

Welcome to a new year. Currently it’s winter on my part of the planet, but for many of us it has felt like we’ve been living an entire year of winter within our creative hearts. Last year we were extremely reactive in terms of relating to negative social/news media and our overall creative input/output.

This year will bring positive changes with much greater ‘action’ as opposed to ‘reaction’,  thus the nature of our ‘human cycle of changes’ or the flux occurring as a result of cause and effect continues. Many of us are exhausted from reacting to a turbulent previous year, pacing ourselves to ‘hang in there’ in those final months.

This will be a year refocusing on our future actions, ideally coming from a higher moral fiber, and most definitely coming from within our beautiful, creative thoughts and ideas.

From a macro perspective, the powerful will seek more power; the rich will seek to become richer; the poor (encompassing the majority of human life on our beautiful planet Earth – Why Is That?) will seek survival from the overreaching powerful and wealthy; and we creatives (which are found in each sector of human existence) will continue to create. Some to become more powerful, some to become rich or richer, some to make a positive difference to humanity and some because when all is said and done, regardless of the reason, we just can’t help ourselves with the need to create.

The human cycle of life is still at play in spite of our, seemingly, natural inclination towards self destruction yet I most humbly believe it can be we creatives who inspire more of us to do and be all we can be in this new year.

In the “micro” of things never forget you are unique, you are gifted, you can accomplish so very much. Just remember one thing … to believe in yourself! You are your very best supporter (as you should be) so carry on with your dreams and your goals.

Welcome to this great new year. One filled with possibilities, capabilities and potentials. We can make it so!

I wish you most well and prosperous in 2018.

~ Penny

The Weight of Human Gravity


We (all of us) prejudice our thinking processes with our human expectations. Consciously or not, our lives revolve around personal perspectives of how things should be or how we would like them to be, individually or socially speaking.

This is most definitely a part of the human condition. “Human Gravity” is the predilection (guided by various  emotions) to weigh ourselves down with the “how comes“, “what ifs“, and “why nots” and the ever popular “it’s not fair“. But then most of us know that life isn’t intentionally unfair or fair.

The ability to reach fulfillment of our hopes, wishes and desires absolutely resides within each of us. What might be of assistance is recognizing we are in complete control of the degree of human gravity we chose to allow.

And perhaps human gravity might not become so heavy and burdensome if our view of freedom came from an expanded viewpoint. That being:

“Freedom isn’t only a thought, an ideal or an expression. Freedom is allowing the manifestation of all our human being/senses to open completely to life experiences, witnessed by and with full and complete cooperation from heart & soul! Now that’s freedom, unfettered and released. There is no gravity. None what-so-ever!” ~Plh


Wishing you a wonderful holiday season. One with a minimum amount of human gravity.

With sincere affection,

~ Penny

Your Love Becomes You


             “Self worth is said to be priceless. Both yours and mine. But it still remains a truth that the nature of our very being, shaping our conduct in everyday life, will ultimately determine the value of who we are/become. Therefore it follows that …

           … your love becomes you.” ~Plh


Have the best week possible that you can, I wish you well!

with sincere affection,

~ Penny

Thank You For The Song You’re Singing

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Everyday wisdom is indeed hidden in plain sight, but it is humanity’s songs of life, each unique to an individual that points the way, often illuminating a hidden wisdom, revealing a greater understanding and awareness for many, and so …

” I thank each of you for the songs your singing. May you sing loud and strong in your life sharing wisdom and beauty with each beat of your heart.” ~ Plh


Thank you for stopping by, Have the best weekend possible. I wish you well.

With sincere affection,

~ Penny



It’s Okay to Be What You Are: Human


It is okay to be human and it’s okay to make mistakes. It’s also okay to say “I made a mistake”. It’s okay to fail. And okay to say the wrong thing at the wrong time; to make an error of judgement; to let someone down you care about; to be fearful at times; to be stressed out; to worry about today and or/tomorrow; to feel guilt/anger/disappointment/hurt over something from yesterday. It’s okay to feel all these things because you’re/we’re human.

Every single one of our species on the planet is human. Before we’re anything else we are born as human beings. We ALL share this commonality. Everything else, we become aware of or learn about afterwards – Our race – Our ethnic background – Our belief systems. Our likes, dislikes and so forth.

The most important thing is while we’re (all of us) busy being human, each of us is unique. This is important to remember. We will, as we grow, have individualized strengths and weaknesses specific to our background and experiences. Very important to remember in the scheme of everyday life because this is why we make mistakes, each to his or her own, according to our particular learning curve and life adventures.

Therefore, to live one’s life it is imperative to recognize our own humanness and accept that things will go wrong and sometimes it is because of something we did or didn’t do. Accepting it and moving on is the best way to be okay with yourself.

There are many stressful things happening in the world today and I doubt it is going to improve any time in the near future. But how you feel, first about yourself and then about others will help you to guide yourself through this troubling time period. You’ll find you can make better choices for yourself and those you care about if you remember you’re human (and all the inherent weakness that comes along with). Armed with this perspective and acceptance, you will be able to expand the control you have within your own environment.

It’s that simple, really. The input from others and how you relate to them begins with recognizing that you are first and foremost a human being (as are they) and it’s okay to not be perfect. To be different. To be your own person. Respecting yourself goes along with this and towards others respecting you as well. How you relate to yourself is how others will relate to you and reaching your own goals will depend on just how well you treat yourself first.

Recognize and accept that you may not always get things right but … it doesn’t make you any less of a person or human being. You’re still you. You’re still important, whether making mistakes or not and you always have the value of being your own unique person … that’s what really matters most. To you and everyone else.

Thanks for stopping by, I wish you well.

With great affection,


Love – Empowers Us to Endure (and overcome)


Love does bless with abiding strength

so deep, so strong, so pure,

nothing overcomes unconditional love

as it gives us the power to endure.” ~Plh

Love is a very small word representing the biggest meaning in the world. There truly isn’t anything stronger or greater than love and when given free reign, it can conquer fear and hate.

Love large, it does a body (and mind and soul) good!” ~Plh

Take care of you and yours.

With sincere affection,



The Current View From Our Eyes

I believe in coincidences. I also believe that the truth of everything is found within life’s mysteries; those small insignificant ones and the huge gigantic ones.

I also believe in magic (another word for explaining the unknown), fantasy and most especially life as we’ve yet to understand it.

Each time a “new” discovery is made in academia/independent ventures is it really new or is it just some revealing of a layer of life already present in the selective consciousness of the universe?

Kismet, coincidence or fate all have the same flavor. Said flavor being what is currently understood and accepted on a particular day.

So boiling down all the facts, we of current ideologies or understanding do view life within the boundaries of our individual imaginations or put another way …

“Seeing is not believing but rather … believing is seeing.” ~ Plh


Have a wonderful, creative and insightful weekend.

Always with sincere affection,


We Are The Good People – If Only


“Let us love, not hate in a world of uncertainty & fear. We will always be the one to shape our life’s flow and the direction. If we allow ourselves to be led, let us not blindly follow.”~Plh

“If only” you think to yourself knowing that worries will probably be the start of your new day making it extremely difficult to accomplish things with a happy heart, much less positive energy.

Truly, there exists altogether too much negativity to view and experience in the modern world of our lives a.k.a Social/News/Entertainment Media Overload. Those personal comments by those you know and those you don’t. News media’s seemingly never-ending reflections of what’s wrong in our lives and on our planet. And not to forget the amazing ongoing volume of advertising everywhere for everything (while some advertising appears to be of a positive nature it has still become an insidious encroachment in our everyday life).

But, what if we begin each day with the premise of knowing we are good people with positive, loving thoughts and then expand out from there.

Instead of investing in the newest, latest better than before iphones, pc’s or game playing apparatus and the ever newer extremely violent game (oft time becoming obsessive and addicting), invest instead in positive, happy comfortable feel good types of things (and not necessarily things you purchase ‘with a budget that says you can’t really afford it anyway’) for you, for your family, for your friends, for your coworkers, for life overall. Don’t you think we’ve carried consumerism just a smidgen too far?

Instead of watching increasingly violent movies and/ Cable/TV productions look for happy gentle movies and TV shows (hint: there’s a whole bunch of this type of available content from the previous century) or instead of reading dystopian or the weird and scary type of “best selling” books look for the well written novels with a more evenhanded approach to plot, character development and outcome. Instead of watching the “what’s wrong with everything and everybody” news reports – develop the instinct to recognize actual news reporting from opinion giving commentaries. Seek out places of well-being. Search for happy news. Good people doing good things in your community and beyond. Create an exciting new panorama for your daily life viewed from positive possibilities, subtracting those items (and people) which negate and diminish while adding items (and people) that assist your positive mentality to flourish. You and I can do this. Yes we really can.

Because I have to tell you there is a large amount of positive and good things happening out there. Although currently relegated to the background in much of our everyday life’s awareness; crowded out by negative sensationalism of every type.

You can turn your television or computer or iphone off for a few hours or days or …

You really can. It is still a really good world out there, more noticeable when there’s not so much noisy nonsense filtering it out.

You see, we are good people. You and I and the many overly concerned, confused and fearful multi-billions on this planet. And honestly, one by one, in a polite well mannered way, we can begin to remind each other of this humble and truthful fact. Beginning today.

So, yes we … you and I … can. Right now. This minute. One by one by one.

Wishing you a pleasant beginning of the new week. May it be a positive and prosperous one for you.

With sincere affection,

~ Penny





Remembering Who We Are

“We are of nature. When the two (humans and the natural order of our home planet/Universe) are separated and viewed as different or individual things, a grievous imbalance occurs. Harming both, as may be seen today. Connect with your natural roots ~ it is as life (all life) should be.” ~Plh

Have a positive and relaxing weekend. Wishing you most well and happy.

With much affection,

~ Penny