Your Thoughts – the main influencing factor in your life!

Did you know that? I’ll bet you didn’t. Like most of  us we assume others around us are our main influencers, or that the particular circumstances or conditions we find ourselves in are responsible for why we think or feel a certain way.

Nope. It’s you. All by your lonesome, you’re the one that decides how you’re going to feel about whatever it is! All the other things are just stimuli that your mind takes into consideration before it decides what to do or not do and how it is to be done.

Consider your thoughts in the form of a pill you take each morning. A success pill that then influences your thinking positively.

This imaginary pill is your reminder that its up to you. You, who is the main influence in your life. Let it work in your favor! It worked for Einstein, DaVinci, Disney, Shakespeare, Plato. I could go on and on but the point is obvious. You decide what you want and then you make it happen. You Do!

So go ahead, be all you can be … it’s a great feeling … Take the success pill, influence yourself to achieve, set yourself up for success, as Napoleon Hill said repeatedly “think and grow rich”. He knew what he was talking about. And if you haven’t read his book (of the same title), go get it and read it from cover to cover. It’s one of the top selling books, ever, on the planet, so he definitely must have known what he was talking about.

Go for it, influence yourself to success. You’re in charge and you make it happen. a) because you believe you can and b) because you put those positive thoughts into action c) because you don’t give up (Don’t forget about Edison and his failures before his final breakthrough with the lightbulb).

Just 3 things to remember, you can do it. You know you can!

Have a great day today,
