For You, From Me

Gentle Love ~

Just how gentle, can gentle love be;

From morning mists,

to soft rolling seas.

Whispering breezes,

twixt leaf filled trees.

Morning bird song and tireless bees.

Loving doe by faun,

Free floating whale song,

far ‘neath the seas.

Neverending love,

for you … from me.

– P.L. Howe, 2023

Write a Poem – Today


What is it about the particular nature of a poem? Whether penning, entering data online, or reading to oneself or others; a poem sets itself apart by utilizing the power of word play. Variously sized ‘word packages’ containing messages of our thoughts, feelings, expressions. We the author and presenter of chosen word and format.

Do we write for ourselves when we write a poem? Do we write for others? Yes and yes.

With poetry, we tap directly into our feelings about things. Bringing forth those thoughts, ideas, emotions inside of us to be viewed/heard through our written words. We are reorganizing our insides when we do this. And when others read/hear our poems, this may happen to them too.

Should you write a poem? Yes!

Why? Because:

It’s therapeutic, not only letting out what’s inside, but also presenting a microcosm of your heart and soul to be shared with others. Writing poetry and sharing your words creates a richer environment for learning and growing within yourself.

It’s wonderfully creative. Your journey through your own nature with the poetic word while you find yourself exploring all sorts of creative avenues of expression.

It’s encouraging. Helping you, and others, to open up inside.

Online today there are many websites and forums — groups actively in pursuit of knowledge and understanding (and the sharing of same) from poets of both today and yesteryear. Reach out to them in exploration. A good thing.


“Such beauty you possess,

in the form of a rhyme

such feeling, such movement,

Your words so divine.

I am lost in your glory

with sensations sublime.

Sharing, forever

time after time.”

~P.L.Howe, 2013

So today, write a poem, share with others. Read a poem, embracing someone else’s creation. Both will be uplifting and illuminating … I promise.

Good luck and good day,


The Day After Impossible

Food for thought, in our upside down world of today. Take care everyone. Each one of you is important and special. ♥️🌿

The Why About This

A parable inside the unknown surrounded by accepted reality (Or … what happens next is up to you)!


“Hey! What’s that you’re holding in your hands? I can see light streaming between your closed fingers.”

“Oh you mean this,” the young lady responded.  She spread open her hands into a cupped position revealing a swirling glowing orb nestled in her brightly lit palms.

“It’s tomorrow,”  she said. “Well, sort of. Actually I’m holding time itself. Okay, to be absolutely precise you can view this as the energy of time. Like a miniature version of our solar system.”

“Oh don’t be ridiculous,” he responded. “Are you insane, you can’t hold tomorrow. It’s not a thing. That makes no sense, besides it hasn’t happened yet and you certainly can’t hold time either because it’s not a thing either so it’s … it’s … well it’s impossible.”

“How do you know it’s impossible?”

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The Wealthy Few

The quality/quantity of physical wealth. Power, dominance, privilege, and the entitlement it engenders. Heady stuff.

“They look through you. People, most of them, at this level of monetary/social privilege. Those who can, have whatever they wish, whenever they wish it, chosing not to care, or simply having no empathy for those who can’t.

They don’t see you. Not really. Sweating out a day’s pay trying to make rent, or the homeless begging for food/money on street corners.

They don’t see those people who provide services they use (as they’re no more than “lesser-thans”) in the world of moneyed, tunnel-visioned, privilege. They don’t know names much less the situations of those who work for them outside their admins or personal assistants and then only the names.

And they want, need, must control at whatever costs to all others.

This bears repeating … “at whatever costs to others”, and whether you’re a society ruled by democracy, religious patriarchy, militarism, communism, conquest/dictator, or some other, at the very substance of who will want, need to be in control, will be the wealthy.

Bless you, and take care of yours. Remember, at the substance of things, we all matter.

P.L. Howe

In spite of how it feels, a sometimes loneliness of self; reality is “we are one”.

Moral Fiber

Human Survival

Well … are we not, in the ‘now’ of things, in one considerable mess? I go off adventuring in our glorious, mysterious universe for a handful of years and the entire planet begins to come apart.

What can we do? Humans are a fractious lot at best. At worst … I suppose one might say we’re living some of this “worse” right now.

Even though, if one is being completely honest about it, we pretty much brought this on ourselves. The entitled, selfish, greedy and complacent parts of who we are, as humans.

I’m assuming we’ve allowed our souls, or spirits, (or otherness still being explored by philosophers, scientists, spiritualists, theologians, etc) out … on an extended holiday, as it were. Absenteeism of many of our positive values have gone missing.

The influence of our spiritual selves, reminded us (more or less) about individual moral values. You know, politeness, respect, caring, sharing, honesty, trust.

So here we are.

I’m guessing getting back on track, as it relates to moving forward (humanity as a whole) will involve a fair amount of necessary eye opening to the actual worldwide events going on and will require less intrusive input from our artificial world of which/where too many of us spend overly much time. It’s artificial. That means ‘pretend’ as in ‘made up’, not real. Entertaining, certainly, overwhelmingly so, but helpful … only in small doses.

So, step one: Go on an information diet. Restrict you use of digital technology to a small fixed amount of time. I would have added to also verify that which you do consume online (relating to accuracy) but we’ve lost the essence of trust with good cause in this regard. So limiting usage seems the next best thing.

Moral fiber, that internal substance within each of us has been banked down to nothing more than slightly glowing embers by our artificial, too fast moving world. We really weren’t ready for so much change, so quickly. And when coupled with greed and averous by more than a few, there you go.

Step two: Explore your immediate surroundings. Get the lay of the land. Be interactive as you safely can. (pandemic safety is important as is physical safety from those fearfully confused among us.)

Finally: Work on a few basics to rev up your under nourished, moral immune system (moral fiber). Make a positive difference, as you safely can, for those in need. Practice daily gratitude for what you do have.

And last but not least, do make a concerted effort to live more fully in the current day (not yesterday’s memories or tomorrow’s dreams). Today is when your tomorrow’s will take shape and your yesterday’s will remember. Keep thoughts and actions (re yesterday, today and tomorrow) in correct, balanced perspective.

As always, take care of you.

I do wish you well and safe,

Penelope ♥️

Where Are We Going?

Where are we going is an excellent question. I don’t believe most of us (each with differing levels of experience and background) really know. We’re currently too busy putting up emotional barriers because, honestly, we’re overwhelmed with information.

Information/graphic/videos that change daily. Information that’s often not complete or accurate. Information based on hearsay, opinion and in some cases pure fantasy. Information being shared for the sole purpose of advancing specific agendas; be they for the purpose of selling something (products, services, ideas, beliefs, politics, etc.) and/or a deliberate attempt to steer us emotionally in different ways.

Remember each human is in their own place and time with their learning curve, so when exposed to large amounts of information, havoc becomes the norm for most of us as we’re continuously exposed to the daily online world’s onslaught of everything.

Consequencely, to discern, separate fiction from fact, to moderate within ourselves the value of various types of social media (which is also heavily corroded/intertwined with advertising) is difficult.

Therefore, with this in mind, for both increased health and sanity, let’s see how this may be accomplished by us. In the meanwhile …

Stay safe and strong. I wish you well.


Time Out for Art ~ Curiosity and little girls

Something from the past. On a lighter happier note … ♡♡♡

The Why About This

Curious by Penny L Howe, 2013


There was a little girl who just had to know,
about every little thing, everywhere she’d go!
Girls need to understand things
the Why, the How, the Who,
little girls are curious – it’s just what we do!
Growing up to be mysterious
or so it seems to men.
The truth is we stay curious,
the What, the Where, the When!
living life and loving
the things we do the best,
Well, and staying curious
for knowledge is our quest!
My case I therefore rest!

“Go Girls!”

~ Penny L Howe, 2013


Today is Thursday so it’s Time Out for Art over at Zebra Designs and Destinations! I drew a curious little girl and wrote a poem to go with it! I hope you enjoy, thank you!

~ Penny


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