The “Left” of Things and Spirals!

Spiraling Leaves

Have you ever noticed that (many) spirals in nature, spiral out from left to right. I do!

Galaxy Spiral

Have you noticed that this is also true in the universe! I notice this too. I am fascinated by spirals and …

I am left-handed! Ambidextrous (either hand) in some cases, but mostly left-handed.

And a little sensitive about the fact that I live in a world where more than 90% of the population is right-handed and sees things from that reference point.


I created the craft of Loopweaving (a method of using yarn where you spiral out to create containers of all sizes).


I didn’t think about the fact that I Loopweave in a left handed way. My first attempts at showing other people how to loopweave was, let’s just say it did not go well.

Everything I did was reversed from how right-handed people would do the same things. I did try for awhile to teach other people this new craft but sadly it came to naught.


The video of my writing/drawing from a previous post is a mirror image. And because most everyone thinks a person is right handed it was assumed I was writing backwards.

I can in fact write backwards, although not as quickly as the regular way. However I am in very good company (re: historical individuals). Rome erected a sculpture of lefty Leonardo Da Vinci waving his left hand to welcome guests to the city!

Left-hander Elias Howe (no relation to me), who invented the sewing machine; put the needle on the left side of the machine where it remains today!

Lefty musician Jimi Hendrix taught himself how to play the guitar by flipping the right-handed guitar upside down rather than trying to re-string it left-handed.

So I’m comfortable being in good (historical) company: A few more lefties you may have heard of are:

Albert Einstein, Julius Caesar, Aristotle, Neil Armstrong, Henry Ford, Marie Curie, Joan of Arc, Helen Keller, Henri de Toulouse Lautrec, Peter Paul Rubens, Lewis Carrol, Uhland Ludwig, Morgan Freeman, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Charlie Chaplin, Robert De Niro, Val Kilmer, Chewbacca the Wookie, Celine Dion, Bob Geldof, Annie Lennox, Babe Ruth, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Barack Obama, Nicole d’Oresme, Dr. Albert Schweitzer, Uri Geller, Euell Gibbons, Jean Plantureux, Peter Benchley, Viktoria Stefanov, H.G. Wells, Bruce Jenner, Larry Bird, Randy Johnson (southpaw – big time lol) I saw him pitch, wow!

This is but a handful! Notice there are mathematicians, philosophers, inventors, athletes, writers, heroes, leaders, astronauts, actors/actresses, musicians and so on. Interesting group, huh? My final words on this subject … Vive la différence!

And yes I do love spirals!

Thank you for visiting me today, have a most excellent weekend!

~ Penny

Copyright © 2012 by Penny l Howe