Eyes wide Open – Mind wide Shut!


As you go through each day

how much are you missing?

I mean really!


Right now, stop reading my post.


Doesn’t matter where you are. At home, at work, in a car.

Doesn’t matter if you’re with people or alone.

Just take a good look around.

Look at each object your eye encounters,

or person if there are other people where you are.


Now … ask yourself this

If there are others where you are:

Am I connected with them?

Do we touch each other?

Do we care about each others lives?

Do these other people really have any place at all in my own life?

And if they do am I communicating and connecting and sharing.

or are they just a part of the noise of the day that I respond to.


And what about “things”. The almighty “stuff” of life. gadgets, furnishings,The latest, newest and most innovative stuff. Is this what is important to you? And if it is …

… Why?

As you go through life I know you have hopes and dreams.

Disappointments and fears.

But is any of the “stuff” you’ve accumulated making a difference

for what is inside of you.


How can you get what you really feel you need

when you’re going through life

with …

“Eyes wide open and mind wide shut”.

Take a few minutes right now and contemplate

the time you spend on things that really don’t achieve the purpose

of making you come alive.


That which helps you feel needed, wanted, loved,

cared for.

Right now,

Do something about it.

Make those changes in your life.

It’s not hard.

See what you haven’t been seeing.


And then

Make a difference.

For you and all those that you didn’t really notice before.

They’ll notice you if you pay attention to them.

Yes they will,

with their previous wide open eyes and closed minds.


Go for it,

Your move!



Thank you,

~ Penny
