The Passions of the your mind! All you can be!

Credit line:  © Dmccale |

Hello and welcome.

Do you ever think about the nature of passion?  Your Passions! The passion and desire to be all that you can be. In the past I’ve written several posts and poems about passion.

Passion is tightly interwoven with all of our senses. So intimately are they connected that you can’t discuss the one without at least understanding the other.

When I first wrote about passion, last fall, I discussed the passion of both the writer and the reader. Later on I referred to “symbols” and used the heart (for example) while relating to love and the desire for one another. But passion is so much more vast in what it encompasses.

Our passions in life are often the fuel that give us the courage to go ahead, the motivation to do that which we so desire to do with our lives.

Credit line:  © Rolffimages |

And I believe the power of passion is embedded within every single one of us (Both Men and Women)! It only needs your particular catalyst to be released.

Being passionate is really about your thoughts and senses overflowing with the strongest of your emotions – IN ANY AREA OF YOUR LIFE on ANY SUBJECT!

There are those who feel great passion inside, but releasing it is a whole ‘nuther thing. Embedded passion needs a spark to be ignited. But there’s a trick here, I think.

YOU are the one that will allow your passion’s release. For some this comes so easily, it seems … for others it is a struggle to open up your senses fully – breathe life in with big huge gulps – and embrace all that amazing potential life has waiting. Yours for the taking, just sitting there inside of you – waiting.

Passion is risky. You know that. There can be…consequences. But important things in life come with risks. Living life itself is a risk, but we can’t grow if we don’t challenge ourselves. (Are you listening to me “ladies”?)

This is the very nature of the fabric of life … living it. So what are you waiting for? What is your passion, because I believe that right now is your time! Go ahead release your passions – you can do this, your passion’s inside just waiting to be released:

Passion’s Release


I am here, inside waiting

Release me.

I can promise you emotions you have never felt.

The depth of my promise is as deep as

the deepest ocean,

as high as the mightiest mountain,

as wide and full,

as the canyons of dreams within your mind.

You will live as never before,

this I promise you.

Release me,

I will give you all you desire and so much

more, yours for the taking.

We will explore everything in life

and beyond –

the reaches of time and space

– infinity.

I can do this, I promise

Release me!

I will set fire to your dreams,

I will recreate ever wonder ever conceived

fashioned only for you.


Release me!

I am your reward for daring to live and love

and dance and sing and laugh!

Set me free – I am you, waiting to happen!


Have a great Thursday,

Yes, you can – Yes you can! Getting funded for your business!

Credit line © Upixa2

When you promote, sometimes the trick is coming up with a trick! Something innovative and clever enough that gets you the attention you need.

Some years ago I started up a small marketing firm, and I ran into a few financial problems where I needed to raise funds (when you’re a new young business, this can happen – a lot). I knew about an “angel investor” a weathy entrepreneur who “invested” and/or lent money to young businesses. He’d give them a helping hand … if he liked their business idea.

The problem, getting in to see this large business owner was next to impossible. He had a personal assistant, a private secretary and several receptionists that handled most of his correspondence. And a very busy schedule with national and international interests!

He didn’t attend many of the local city (Portland, Oregon) business type affairs and functions. I was really struggling with how to get by his various assistants who I knew would show me the door. So how was I going to get an appointment with this individual?

And then I came up with an idea. My budget was almost non-existent, yet I spent a substantial amount of money on a beautiful bouquet of flowers. One that looked professional but personal, and I wrote a short message, sealed it inside a small envelope and had the flowers with the “envelope” delivered to the investor, himself!

I was betting on the fact that none of his aides would feel comfortable opening the envelope addressed to him. And they weren’t. He was the first person to read my note.

The next morning I received a call from the personal assistant. His opening words to me were “You’re are very clever Penny, Mr — said to tell you he will give you just 15 minutes of his time on Monday, at 8 a.m. sharp.”

Yes I was excited but very nervous. I organized all the documentation I felt I needed to show him, I reviewed, again and again what I had to say and in what order to get his attention. I only had 15 minutes to accomplish my goals. The morning came, I showed up. I was led into a gorgeous office suite overlooking the water, from Swan island where his offices were located.

I shook his hand, looked directly into his eyes, told him why I needed the money, what I planned to do with it, handed him the paperwork to back it up (which he glanced at and set aside) and then he proceeded to ask me a lot of business type questions, by then the 15 minutes were up and his aid opened the door and said “Sir your long distance call is waiting.”

I knew that was the signal my 15 minutes were up, but then my potential investor looked at his aide and said “I’m not through here yet, I’ll call them back.” I stayed 45 minutes, had to return in a week with more paperwork but he did agree to help!

Previous to my meeting, I’d been told by another business owner, that almost anyone who approached this individual when asking for money, never made it past 10 minutes, before the long distance phone call happened! So I was very pleased and honestly proud of my accomplishment – because through the whole process I was “scared to death” and not sure I could do it!

His final words on our first meeting were. “Oh and Penny, the flowers are beautiful, thank you.”

And the message? Would you like to know what I wrote? It said:

“Dear Sir, I am a young entrepreneur and if you meet with me I can prove to you that I have a business idea you would want to invest in! Enjoy the flowers, either way! Thank you, Penny”

This is a memory I will always remember fondly, because in spite of my fear and doubts I proved to myself that “Yes I can and guess what … If I can, then so can you!”

~ Penny

Up and up I reach so high

fly high

Up and up I reach so high

further than the mighty sky

further than the eagle soars

further than we’ve been before.

Up and up I reach to see

the universe can’t hide from me.

I’ll not abide, nor subside

’til my quest has opened wide

the “Why of This” so deep inside.

I must seek so I will know

these are seeds that I shall sow.

With this journey that I take

on the  ‘morrow we may wake –

to golden, brighter, better, days

where good things will come our way!

But until that day arrives

upward, onward I will strive!

-Penny L Howe, 2013


Stay cool everyone, hang in there, believe in yourself and go for it, remember to make a positive difference while you achieve – Pay it forward, a win-win solution for everyone!

Much love to you,

~ Penny

Attitude is not a Platitude … It’s a choice!

a mirror to your dreams


That word is a big one for me.

Each of us has our own personal belief system and values that we find important, but I think in life it still comes down to what we do with what life hands us.

It really is all about attitude, how we respond to life, others and our personal challenges. I learned very early on the extreme importance of attitude. I believe the following words are true. Even if the author of these words is unknown.

“I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me
and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with us all …”

Have a positive attitude today, you might surprise yourself how well it goes,

~ Penny


The Mythos of our Realities

Mythos: (Sociology) the composite of beliefs, values, attitudes, etc, characteristic of a specific group or society.

mythos vs reality

I’ve come to believe that there is less reality and more mythos in life today.

Many of us are so removed from the natural order of things that we are less involved with those around us than we are “viewing” as happenings (second hand – mass media) events during the normal course of daily events.

Meanwhile we do share (in common) an increasing frustration of “missing out” “feeling alone” “not quite connecting” and so on.

So what to do: Wouldn’t it be fantastiic if I could just whip out this excellent answer here that would solve this sense of feeling apart from.

No worries, I can do that – here you go:



Egyptian hug

Hey the hugs worked for them! Their culture lasted for thousands of years!


And Guess What? If you do this – others will follow in your footsteps because they want to be where you’re going too!

Your choice, as always!

~ Penny


Reaching …

The Reaching Hand

Almost from the moment of birth we are reaching.

… reaching for the stars

… reaching for the moon

… reaching for a better life

… reaching for understanding

… reaching for love.



Along the way we falter, and in the chain of human life – there are those with wisdom, experience and strength of character to be there during those times of uncertainty.

If we but look for them and, if needed, ask for help.

It is a process of growing, learning from mistakes and moving forward.




The empty hand is a sadness. It represents dreams unfulfilled, loneliness, bitterness and defeat.

The empty hand symbolizes to us we have not reached that which we set out to reach … that perhaps we have failed. That the reaching was for naught.

But it does not have to be. You need never stop reaching. Not ever.

There is always hope, there is always possibilities to be explored.

There is always the ‘one more time’ to make the difference, just as long as you keep reaching.

Never stop, never give up. It isn’t easy and sometimes it will be the hardest thing you’ve ever done … but it is worth the extra reach … to make it happen.

Keep reaching, and if you’ve reached your goals

than extend your hand to make that difference for another.

Always reaching, always growing, always loving.

 Never Stop Reaching

Thank you for visiting, have a good weekend, reach out to those in need right now, it’s a good time for this.

~ Penny

Copyright © 2012 by Penny l Howe



If an Apple was Life, I would …

…take the biggest bite I could!

Savoring every single sensation in my mouth that the apple was offering to me.

Crisp and sweet (or tart), so juicy that the juice would run down the sides of my lips (hows that for some good imagery my friends lol). Let’s stay on point here, okay?

I have a huge “appetite” for life! Using an apple in an allegory manner is a nice way to describe these feelings.

I taste life. It is rich and full bodied, even on the quiet somber days. It is sometimes exotic, sometimes excruciating and intense, and sometimes so unimaginally poignant and beautiful that I cry for the wonder of it.

I crave the almost mouthwatering feelings I receive from life everyday so much so that it can be an ache in my soul.


I have a restless spirit flowing with the currents of life – languid, adventurous, dangerous.


The magical dance of living life.


Some days hurting from the rawness of life, enduring the unendurable. Other days embracing sweet, rich, delicious love. Each an essence of life. I am alive.


I taste life to the fullest, every day. Get the point? Or more perhaps clearly stated – do you? Always your choice. Really … always your choice.

Apple of Life -Taste it’s Richness!

Thank you for visiting today, “It’s your life – take big bites!” Penny L. Howe

Copyright © 2012 by Penny l Howe