A Hug for the Soul …

… is needed today, more than ever. So many worries. So many fears. Be brave, be strong, continue to care, give and love.

The feeling of goodness, of caring and sharing is growing stronger within many of us. We are the majority on this our beautiful planet Earth. We are making positive changes, albeit slower than we would wish.

Take care of you and yours in difficult days ahead. I continue to believe in you. Every single one. You, each of you, are so special and needed today for your talent, wisdom and especially your caring ways.

“Great hope in one’s heart is a hug for the soul” ~Plh

Never give in, never give up. Believe. You can do this.


With much affection, I wish you well,


The Weight of Human Gravity


We (all of us) prejudice our thinking processes with our human expectations. Consciously or not, our lives revolve around personal perspectives of how things should be or how we would like them to be, individually or socially speaking.

This is most definitely a part of the human condition. “Human Gravity” is the predilection (guided by various  emotions) to weigh ourselves down with the “how comes“, “what ifs“, and “why nots” and the ever popular “it’s not fair“. But then most of us know that life isn’t intentionally unfair or fair.

The ability to reach fulfillment of our hopes, wishes and desires absolutely resides within each of us. What might be of assistance is recognizing we are in complete control of the degree of human gravity we chose to allow.

And perhaps human gravity might not become so heavy and burdensome if our view of freedom came from an expanded viewpoint. That being:

“Freedom isn’t only a thought, an ideal or an expression. Freedom is allowing the manifestation of all our human being/senses to open completely to life experiences, witnessed by and with full and complete cooperation from heart & soul! Now that’s freedom, unfettered and released. There is no gravity. None what-so-ever!” ~Plh


Wishing you a wonderful holiday season. One with a minimum amount of human gravity.

With sincere affection,

~ Penny

And So It is Today

Today’s not yesterday and it’s also not tomorrow, even though it seems we spend part of each day dwelling on those past and potential future events.

Perhaps it may be wise to live more in the ‘right now’ of things where we can and do effect, potentially many, of the events shaping our everyday lives.

“When all is said and done

what today we have begun

is the single thing

that tomorrow brings

through yesterday’s recall

those memories from us all.”~Plh

“Live long and prosper” ~ Spock, Starship Enterprise

With much affection,


I wish you well.

Your Love Becomes You


             “Self worth is said to be priceless. Both yours and mine. But it still remains a truth that the nature of our very being, shaping our conduct in everyday life, will ultimately determine the value of who we are/become. Therefore it follows that …

           … your love becomes you.” ~Plh


Have the best week possible that you can, I wish you well!

with sincere affection,

~ Penny

Tomorrow’s Mysteries and Our Dance of Life

In a poetic manner one might say we dance our way through life, in spite of our concern for tomorrow’s unknown and the burden of those heavy laden pieces of our yesterdays creating missteps within the flow our momentum.

Yet our momentum will still carry us forward. It cannot be halted. It is the unknown that continues to propels us – the hidden mystery of our purpose. Truly. It is this same mystery that inspires. The creative/imaginative power inside our heart and soul incessantly resisting negative tides, overcoming, moving beyond a myriad of unanticipated obstacles in our way  – along our way.

Never doubt your individual power and ability to overcome and move onward. It’s always there, just waiting for you to activate. Know that your unique dance of life is singular in it’s purpose, stronger than you can imagine, blending as need be with others revealing diverse and exciting discoveries which lay at the universal heart of life’s mysteries.

“Sing me to the moon

then love me far beyond,

all of this and more

Life’s universal song.” ~Plh

“Believe in yourself, your individual self worth, understand that your uniqueness is the special gift of life. You are far more than you can imagine, making your worth priceless.”

Thank you for being you, thank you for stopping by,

I wish you well,

~ Penny

Love – Empowers Us to Endure (and overcome)


Love does bless with abiding strength

so deep, so strong, so pure,

nothing overcomes unconditional love

as it gives us the power to endure.” ~Plh

Love is a very small word representing the biggest meaning in the world. There truly isn’t anything stronger or greater than love and when given free reign, it can conquer fear and hate.

Love large, it does a body (and mind and soul) good!” ~Plh

Take care of you and yours.

With sincere affection,



The Current View From Our Eyes

I believe in coincidences. I also believe that the truth of everything is found within life’s mysteries; those small insignificant ones and the huge gigantic ones.

I also believe in magic (another word for explaining the unknown), fantasy and most especially life as we’ve yet to understand it.

Each time a “new” discovery is made in academia/independent ventures is it really new or is it just some revealing of a layer of life already present in the selective consciousness of the universe?

Kismet, coincidence or fate all have the same flavor. Said flavor being what is currently understood and accepted on a particular day.

So boiling down all the facts, we of current ideologies or understanding do view life within the boundaries of our individual imaginations or put another way …

“Seeing is not believing but rather … believing is seeing.” ~ Plh


Have a wonderful, creative and insightful weekend.

Always with sincere affection,


Remembering Who We Are

“We are of nature. When the two (humans and the natural order of our home planet/Universe) are separated and viewed as different or individual things, a grievous imbalance occurs. Harming both, as may be seen today. Connect with your natural roots ~ it is as life (all life) should be.” ~Plh

Have a positive and relaxing weekend. Wishing you most well and happy.

With much affection,

~ Penny

Reality – Yours, Mine, Ours and …Theirs

This has been a year where the ground has, almost daily, moved beneath our feet (euphemistically speaking, at least for most of us). But like any natural geographic fault on our planet I believe it’s safe to say humanity is simply moving through it’s latest – significantly overwhelming – change.

So hang on, hang in there and believe things will improve. There are many many people who are truly becoming more spiritually aware of each other and our connections to all life.

There are even more of us pondering life’s questions of the “who and why” and how we can improve ourselves ‘inside and out’ in more natural and non-invasive methods for the well being of all life on our planet. (Even if it doesn’t seem so – according to huge doses of online media’s daily negativity.)

Ignore Naysayers. They do not yet understand the infinite power of love. Truly the strongest force in the universe and I believe the essence of all life.

Fear can do nothing except slow this flow of life’s eternal message – a loving flow that in scientific terms is an universal frequency seeding and continuously creating all life forms.

Know that even the greatest fear cannot stop love. Not really. Life vibrates constantly (with mathematical precision) becoming stronger with each individual’s awareness of our own life force carried and projected from within our heart of hearts.

It’s an ethereal & eternal kind of thing. One we don’t understand or comprehend, but one we’ll keep becoming more comfortable with as we continue to open our hearts and minds in the believing thereof.

“Look to the stars and the unverse inside and outside your heart. Everything you need to believe in can be found there. Infinity does not lie!” ~ Plh

Thank you, May your holiday season be filled to overflowing with love.

~ Penny 

Everyday Wisdom – Life!


 Photography by C. Russ

“Life is a learning experience testing our mettle with each passing day, presenting a surety of unknowns that try our patience. Yet these self same experiences offer obscure but true opportunities (clues) for enhancing our very being, propelling us forward with awakening humility – a catalyst towards an understanding of who and why we are.” ~Plh, 2016

Thank you. Wishing you a most pleasant and restful weekend, one filled with hope and love.

With much affection,

~ Penny