TREES … Can you hear them? Please watch!


They speak to us when we listen!

Can you hear them?

There are lessons in this inspirational video. Please watch! And the message towards the end is a vital one. It is worth the extra time.

If at all possible watch this video in the full screen of your computer. Listen and read with your head and your heart, This video is both scientific and spiritual. It is about all of us on the planet and our ability to survive in the near future. Please watch …


Thank you for your visit, have you touched a tree today!

~ Penny


42 thoughts on “TREES … Can you hear them? Please watch!

  1. Pingback: Watching From Behind A Summer Tree « TreeMagazine – For People who CARE!

  2. This was such an amazing video Penny and is a subject I am very passionate about. What will it take for us to become better stewards of this beautiful earth we have been graced to live upon? It is heartbreaking to see how quickly these majestic trees are disappearing. Will enough of us gain the awareness needed before it is too late?

  3. Trees are great, Lord of the rings taught me that and then I looked for myself. I could spend ages looking at them. it’s nice to be reminded of them though as they disappear. This is a real plight.

  4. My experience with trees has always been a beautiful one. Just leaning on one or resting beneath one and feeling each other’s energies. We can learn a lot from them and sharing awareness with a tree can be a wonderful experience.

    (What the…!? – GEMA won’t let me watch this video in Germany and my proxy does not seem to help, either. 😥 Waaaaaaaa!)

  5. Beautiful! The worst natural disaster on this planet is not the tornadoes, hurricanes, or earthquakes. It is man! We upset the balance with our greed. We think that we are the top animal on this planet but we are the lowest. Take a python and put it in a cage with 3 sheep. The python will eat one when it is hungry and leave the rest. Man littered the landscapes of this country with the carcasses of buffalo all for sport, not out of need.

    I watch the world around me as it speaks to me. The trees? They tell me what is to come. One can tell by listening to and watching them as the seasons develop.

    Lovely post Penny! Thank you for sharing! – Hugs – B

  6. I just know this is all so … I feel such a connection to the trees here – it’s overwhelming to me at times… and I know when I go to the woods my perspective will inevitably shift. Beautiful video — and a clear reminder for us to nurture the earth that nurtures us! ~ Love to you Penny …thanks for another great post dear friend ~ xxxoooo

    • I knew you would Robyn. I loved the blend of scientific understanding coupled with what some of us feel instinctively! So very true my dearest friend, much love back to you this day, hope your Monday is going especially well for you, xxoxxoxx

  7. All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree.
    ~Albert Einstein

    Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.
    ~Martin Luther

    This is for you…:) See you tomorrow. 🙂

  8. I have always talked to trees. Since childhood. They still me, comfort me and astound me, still. Thanks for the confirmation that I am in such good company 🙂 Never shared this before anywhere. I once tried to record birch leaves singing to me. It didn’t sound as good as being there. But it’s forever in my mind.Thanks again for this, lovely.

  9. AnElephant loves trees with a passion
    They fill his mammoth heart with delight
    He twigs their purpose is well suited
    To keep his happiness deep-rooted
    And he knows their bark is much better than any bite

      • I didn’t mean to refer that we are the master species. We are not. The dolphin uses 90% of the brain where as the most intelligent human will use about 25% The monkey is more intelligent than a human. When I was a child, I had a book “365 Things To Know” and for my birthday, it was “What is the most intelligent animal?” The answer was monkey. After all, the monkeys don’t cut down trees or destroy the environment.

        • Oh I didn’t think you did Alastair, in fact I can’t imagine you thinking that way in general. I was referring to much of the literature around the world where it is a generic statement/understanding. And I think you are right, We should see ourselves as the caretakers (at least in terms of how we use/misuse natural resources) my very dear friend. 🙂

        • Oh I didn’t think you did Alastair, in fact I can’t imagine you thinking that way in general. I was referring to much of the literature around the world where it is a generic statement/understanding. And I think you are right, We should see ourselves as the caretakers (at least in terms of how we use/misuse natural resources) my very dear friend. 🙂

Thank you for your thoughts!