A nice cup of coffee


A nice cup of coffee


What is it about a rich cup of coffee
That breaks up each passing day
Sipping the brew
Enjoying a view
Listening to what others have to say.
The aroma awakens our senses
Our pallets alive to the taste
We partake of the drink
We pause as we think
Then move on with our day in some haste.
Is coffee a part of reflection
A habit to fill in our day
An addiction of course
But a passage of sorts
A cup of coffee is the adult sort of way.
I’m sitting here drinking my coffee
beginnings of the new day
taste and aroma aside
this cup of coffee must abide
… until the next one happens my way.

~ Penny L Howe, 2013

Thank you for stopping by,

~ Penny

Penny L Howe

27 thoughts on “A nice cup of coffee

  1. I’ve just finished a cup of coffee (my second for the day) – all too quickly. Three days a week my best friend and I go for a cappuccino after hydro-therapy. We sit and enjoy our brew while reading the morning paper. It takes up an hour and a half of our morning, but we wouldn’t skip it for quids 🙂

  2. I am not a coffe drinker but tea. So I had a cup of tea and enjoyed reading the shy butterfly on my phone, as my son has the pad and is away. It is a delightful story and I wished I can read it to the children in our school. I am waiting for the hardback to come out now. ! I totally love it and the illustrations are so sweet too!

  3. I had to rush through my cup o’ coffee this morning. I was a bit off on my timing on when I had to be out the door. I was thinking I had 1/2 hr more that I actually did Oh well. At least I still enjoyed a few sips.
    Hope that you’re enjoying your day!
    xx 🙂 🙂 xx

  4. I think I need a coffee now. Thank you Penny 🙂 Hope you are having a great day. Coffee is definitely a great way to start any day. Well, it’s the only way to start the day in my opinion. If I could have a cup of coffee ready for me the moment I woke up in the mornings, I’d be set 😀

Thank you for your thoughts!